Yanick Paquette gave us a generously long reveiw, really going in depth to critique our work, which was great. He mentioned how some of the colour is dark and hiding a lot of detail, but the designs are really good, especially the animal cowboys. He also said, as other have, that storytelling is the main part of comics and that is what he'd like to see, as we are doing ourselves a dis-service by not exploring this.
He did come up with other useful points such as working on the physics of clothing, as the clothes on our characters bend in weird places, and are far too tight. This was a great piece of advise as I had never realised it before but now is painfully obvious. He also mentioned our use of light sources as we are using reflective light alot, rather than normal light that would create shadow like the sun, which should be being used, this may be because they aren't being drawn with backgrounds, which again I feel should be done in future.
He also mentioned that our human girls very cartoon like in comparison to human men, and though its not wrong it looks a little strange. As we think we'll move forward with the animal cowboys (as most people have said this is our strongest work) it isn't a huge issue, but it is something I'd like to do anyway.
Paquette also said that he can see the animals are very good, but perhaps exceeding our ability from just cartoon like comic drawings to a more realistic form would benefit them. Unfortunately we didn't bring our portraits to show, which dose display our ability to draw photo realistically to a certain degree.
I learnt a lot from Yanick and will practice his advise to perfect my illustrations further.
A link to the first part of this review can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pfi88U2z-0
and the second here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTh5b8i9G00
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