Saturday 2 May 2015

Considering Transmedia and Merchandising: Examples of Collectable Prop Replicas.

Something many francises do is produce prop replicas from their films. Here are some examples from Hellboy, Lord of the Rings, and The Lone Ranger:

This is something that I feel could become a line of merchandise from our project Wild - Life, to use parts of costume or weaponary for a character to sell. My example would consider Ambam's prop replica. Here I collected items that he uses or has that could be manufactured and sold as prop replica's.

Firstly a tricorn hat like Ambam wears from his history with pirates, his sheriff badge, and the cuffs he was imprisoned in during his origin story.

The tricorn hat I bought from an ebay seller, and did so to add to this collection.

The badge was far easier to aquire, at a local fancy dress shop. The cuffs however, were a stroke of luck as I found them at a antique shop and instantly rconised them looking like the ones I had imagined Ambam to wear.

 These are open and lockable via a strange key.

 Finally here is what I imagine the Ambam Prop Replica Collection to look like. A combination of items close to the character that also tell his story of how he was imprisoned by pirates, and eventually became sheriff of a small settlement in the West. I feel this example shows how Wild  - Life Replica's could work as a line of merchandise.

Other's that could be considered for production;

Akira's (Tiger Woman's) Bow and Book/Journal.

Bill's (Duckbill Platypus') Boomerang and Poison necklace.

Jenny's (Rabbit's) Whip and Four Leaf Clover Necklace (she uses to explain her luck - distract from her actually lucky feet).

King Bolon's (Polar Bear's) Helmet and Axe.

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