Friday, 15 May 2015

Potential companies to pitch to: Dark Horse

Dark horse is another big comic book publisher that I feel would be good for our product. This is some due to their product Blacksad, which they have had much success with and our project is similar but still different too, which proves that the audience for our idea exists and the publishers may like something similar seen as it has proved so sucessful. Also, their work by Mike Mignola's Hellboy that has spawned films, action figures, and videogames shows the companies support and potetional for transmedia products which is something we hope our product will expand to in the future.

In their website, they include detailed advice about submissions for artists, writers, inkers and colourists on their website that can be viewed here: They also include a Submissions agreement, which larlgey states that the property is yours and all parties who helped create it have signed the agreement. The only worry I have, would be the issue where it states:

"This Agreement shall be construed solely under Oregon substantive law (except where the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States requires federal law to apply). The parties having chosen the substantive law to apply, no other choice of law (including Oregon's) applies. Any dispute shall be settled in the state of Oregon; if dispute resolution is required, it shall be conducted in Oregon."

This would only unsettle me as copyright starts to apply, and though brittish and anything I produce is automatically copyrighted, if only Oregon laws apply I do still not know if  my work would remain copyrighted. Luckly, I copyrighted my work earlier in the year via the UK copyright service so this would allow my work to still remain mine, which makes me feel more at ease.

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