Bob Layton is the "Definative Iron Man artist". His work with writing partner Daivd Michelinie re defenied the character and made him one of marvels most popular characters. Their Story 'Deamon is a Bottle' (where Tony Stark is a alcholic) is concidered a landmark in comic book history and was voted one of the 20 best comic book storylines. Mr. Laytons designs are also featured in the Iron man movies.
Unfortunatly we werent able to see Bob Layton at 2012's LSCC due to his busy shecdule, but we manged to get an interview at LSCC 2013.

His main advies was to work on colour, contray to what some artist gave
as our biggest compliment Mr. Layton advised that the use of colour
needed to be used to a more contrasting effect. His advise was that some
of the illustrations are loosing alot of deatail due to a similar
colour palett on the characters and backgrounds and heavy shading. This
lesson I feel is to strike an even balance of setting the charcter in
their scene, and yet making them 'pop'out of the page.
Another peice of his useful crititism was to use layers of background, middleground and foreground, and to shade and coulour these layers diffrently in order to gain a more dynamic percpective and create more obvious focual points.
Mr. Laytons advise on compostion and colour has proved very helpful to my studies and is something I will greatly consider in future work.
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