Saturday 18 May 2013

X-men's Beast

Hank McCoy is one of the founding members of the X-men, and in my opnion should have apperared in the movies ever since the first one. I do however understand that Wolverine is the most popular X-man by far, and to show his anamalistic nature might've have been stronger shown if a character like Beast didnt appear, also Beast would take a lot of money to create, and in 2000 superhero movies didnt have enourmous budgets like they do now.

In X-Men 3, I was very excited to see that Beast would appear, but to my surprise, they cast Fraiser's Kelsey Grammer. This I think was a very poor choice and I could think of many different actors better suited to the role. Also his design was awful.  He wore a worse outfit to the other X-men, and his Beast make up was just him painted blue with lots of bushy blue (and very fake looking) fur stuck on. This film was beyond bad for many reasons but Beast was one of the most obvious.

When Mattew Vaughn  would later direct X-Men First Class, I found myself seeing hope in Beast once more as the concept art looked absaloutly incredible. It looked like the right amount of ugly and hidiousness, the right amount of hair all I'd change was make him more muscular.

To discover Nicholas Hoult would be portraying him was another unpleasnet surprise, no me he didnt have the physique to nearly look like the charcter. I held out hope that perhaps he would 'buff up' and get in shape to play the character. He didn't. The final outcome wasnt a total shame though, at times the charcter looked good with the worse factor being that the prothtetics didnt allow Hoult to close his lips, so the Beast always looked a bit funny when he talked. It also seemed to be made per expression, as it didnt seem to allow Hoult to change expression during scene.

 I am however excited to see him in 'Days of Future Past' although as this is the only picture realeased of him its difficult to see if the character is yet to be as muscualr as he should be.

The make up looks good though, the prothtectics look like he'll be able to move and show expression in his face a little more, and the wringles and scars give him a bit more of a aged feel. I also like how the blue is darker around his eyes and he has some grey hairs, this is a vast improvment from when he started in X-men 3 but still not how ive invisioned him, wich should look more like Ulitmate Beast, illustrated hereby Adam Kubert:

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