Monday 19 May 2014

Inspirational Work - Catwoman New 52 Volume 1: The Game

A Graphic Novel I read recently gave me much inspiration also is the New 52 Catwoman graphic novel written by Judd Winick and illustrated by Guillem March. The series has been great, but I feel the first volume has been the strongest so far. readers got to go further into the character of Catwoman, a character who has always interested me, but who never seems to have enough stand alone adventures, so seeing a more grown up take on the character was very exciting to see. (SPOILERS)

This Graphic Novel went in depth to the character, and showed her imperfections brilliantly. She though accidental means got her life long friend killed and though a villain did it, her guilt and sorrow grew because she knew it was her fault she involved her in this style of life.

 It also showed how angry she can get, and how she violently beats the man responsible, attempting to kill him only to be calmed by Batman. Though they are introduced to already know each other, and often engage in one night stands but never a relationship, the scene displayed how the sex wasn't meaningless and how they do have stronger feelings for one another, but due to their professional work can't be together.

The story then shows how lonely this makes her feel, the loss of her friend, a unfurfilling relationship and how the one night stands leave the character feeling more lonely than she did before, usually done for the comfort and company of Batman, and how their differences, anger, and passion conflict in these spontaneous nights. 

In an argument between the two about her dangerous life in a moment of hastiness Catwoman admits she may be living the life she is because she wants to die. This added sympathy to the character and creates a deeper mind set for her actions, and makes her a more understandable antihero.

Though I find the highlights of the volume the moments when her and Batman's relationship create an interesting dynamic to read, Catwoman successfully leads her own story. Batman occasionally appears but the story in solely concentrated on her side of the story, and it gives the character so much more depth that I have always felt she needs.

The writing is brilliant and art fantastic, especially when looking at expression, composition and shot type. The only criticism on the art would be for me sometimes the perspective is a little off, but that is a minor thing. Over all the book has proved to be one of my favorites  and defiantly the best story of Catwoman in my opinion, and I thing this is due to the complex character, personality and likability she has been given.

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