Sunday 22 February 2015

Barcelona Zoo

One of the first Zoo's I visited was Barcelona Zoo. This zoo had a wide selection on animals, all with large enclosures and as we had arrived at feeding time, this was the best chance to see many of the animals up and about. As this was the first time I had seen a grizzly bear up close, I was very excited to witness these animals, and as impressive as they were, they had nothing on Ebobo, The silverback gorilla. Barcelona was once famous for keeping Snowflake, the only albino gorilla known worldwide, but unfortuantly snowflake passed away in 2003 from old age.

Never the less, Ebobo was a sight I would never forget. As he was sat against the glass, I was centimeters away from this magnificent beast, I got a very close look at him but something seemed to be bothering this gorilla. He kept getting up, chasing other gorilla's around his enclosure and generally being very bosterous, but luckly he always came back to his spot against the glass so I could keep getting a good look at him. What I didn't expect, was when he was sat against the glass he appruptley and unprovokingly turned around at me and thumped his giant fists against the glass for a second, only to sit back down. It was an amazing if not extremly scary sight but it gave an incredible insight to how broad and muscular Ebobo is, if not an indication of what these animals would act like in a fight. Understanding that the animal seemed stressed and didn't appreciate my presence, I decided to move and leave Ebobo to his tantrum.

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