Sunday 22 February 2015

Chester Zoo

The next Zoo I decided to visit was Chester. There was many impressive sights here and again it was nice to see the animals in such large and forfilling enclousers. One of the highlights of this Zoo was the Rhino's, as this was the closest I had been to them. Luckly I arrived just in time for feeding so they were in doors and we could get closer to them. The scale of these creasures was immense, and almost comical as the wieght and bluk of thier bodies and head seem so much more heavy than what their short legs would be able to support.

Another animal I got to see up close was the Orang-utang. She was right against the glass looking into our eyes but looking back I couldn't help seeing that she looked sad. She had a big enclousure with an inside and outside, lots of other Orang-utangs, and even a baby running about. Personally I just don't think she liked all the flash photos and selfie taking teenagers staring at her, and its always sad to see an animal looking the way she did. Maybe she felt like a freak. Maybe the glass reminds her that she is, ultimatley, cage. Or maybe she was just having a bad day. Its hardly Chester Zoo's faul as they are very good for conservation and very good for caring for their animals.

Another interesting part of this zoo was a part I couldn't photograph: The bat cave. Here were bats flying around the guest, and while talking to the bats zoo keeper, she informed me of the largest species of bat in the world was the giant golden-crowned flying fox, an bat that has a wingspan of 6 feet! I instantly knew this would make a very cool character indeed.

The last highlight was the Tiger, patrolling up and down the cage clearly waiting to be fed. We had wondered whey we couldn't see them for so long during the day as we kept going back to the enclosure, only to find out that there were new born babies that hadn't yet left the den, supossedly were the other tigers were caring for them. Again, this was the closest I had ever been to a Tiger as well as the Rhino's, as it stood about two meters away, and seeing this creature so close and being so impressive and beautiful, it reminded me that I wanted to devlop the Tiger character I had designed further later in the project.

The only issue I had with the trip was a school who were also there. We visited on the 21st of Janurary and when we went through the beautiful butterfly greenhouse, the buttefly keeper informed us some teenager delibratly stamped on a butterfly killing it, for fun. It was a small act of evil that really got to me, and just reminded me that man is the most dispicable and vile creature on this earth, and the earth would actually be a much better place if we were not to exist. We just go around destroying things, and killing innocent animals, on a large scale and on this tiny scale.

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