Wednesday 23 October 2013

PPP2 Networking

In this session we discussed various ways of networking to become noticed in the industry.

This really made me open my eyes to the importance to not being so secretive with my work but also to remain very aware of copyright issues. Once I have looked further into copyright I hope to create my own website.

Why do we network? 
- Thinking about work and jobs in the future
- Nepotism, working with family and friends is how to get started, show your work to them
- Live briefs and competitions
- Internships to get experience in the industry
- Helps the portfolio
- To get contacts
- To get feedback and critiques
- Continual professional development

The Shy Connector
This was a list made to help people who are introvert to help get more into networking:
1. It's okay to be an introvert
2. Change your perspective (from chores to helping others)
3. Give people reason (to talk to you)
4. Look for ways to help others
5. Give yourself homework (follow things up and continue personal projects)
6. Make it easier to get to know you
7. Keep going, keep practicing

Even though I am not an introvert person, I think this list is very helpful and would be a useful thing to share.

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