Thursday 9 January 2014

Editing: Opening Shot.

Originally, there was no beginning to this shot, at I stood in frame, jumped up, and then acted the land. As I thought we had a backplate, I was actually in shot the entire time taking up the center of the screen, making the creation of a back-plate difficult. I did manage it, though, only to come up with another problem when applying it. The plants clearly should move, but as it was Jpeg, it did not, to fix this I used the middle of my backplate against the footage on each side to allow maximum movement but also to cover me up completely. A problem with this, was the screen grabs I had taken from home had a different colour display to that on colleges computers. So my backplate did not match the footage anymore, and I had to adjust the colours and levels on both to create a believable blend.
Finally, I used my visual effects skills from my testing to make it look like I had landed from flying, but this time wanted to add a camera shake when I landed to give a heavier effect. I followed the guide on the Tara Arts video I used in testing, which was very straight forward, (click the layer and add the effect.) But as this shakes the footage and leaves a black border where the edge of the footage moves away from the edge of the composition size, I had to click 'mirror edge' which allowed the black background to be covered up by the reflection of the footage. I am very proud of my opening scene (which still needs titles) as for how complicated the process is, I think it looks very good and realistic. This footage can be seen here:

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